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venerdì 15 dicembre 2006

Welcome to the Jungle

Welcome to the jungle

 We've got fun 'n' games

 We got everything you want

Honey, we know the names

 We are the people that can find

 Whatever you may need

If you got the money, honey

We got your disease

In the jungle

Welcome to the jungle

 Watch it bring you to your knees, knees

 I wanna watch you bleed

Welcome to the jungle

We take it day by day

If you want it you're gonna bleed

 But it's the price you pay

And you're a very sexy girl

That's very hard to please

You can taste the bright lights

But you won't get them for free

In the jungle

Welcome to the jungle

 Feel my, my, my serpentine

I, I wanna hear you scream

Welcome to the jungle

It gets worse here everyday

 Ya learn ta live like an animal

 In the jungle where we play

 If you got a hunger for what you see

You'll take it eventually

You can have anything you want

But you better not take it from me

 In the jungle Welcome to the jungle

Watch it bring you to your knees, knees

 I wanna watch you bleed

And when you're high you never

Ever want to come down, yeah!

 You know where you are

You're in the jungle baby

You're gonna die

In the jungle

Welcome to the jungle

Watch it bring you to your knees, knees

In the jungle Welcome to the jungle

Weel my, my, my serpentine

In the jungle Welcome to the jungle

 Watch it bring you to your knees, knees

In the jungle

Welcome to the jungle

Watch it bring you to your

It's gonna bring you down - huah!


Questa mitica canzone dei Guns N' Roses mi ha accompagnata in tantissimi momenti della vita!Primo fra tutti mentre Tia e Lhu giocavano alla play la seconda volta che sono andata da Tia...Mi stavo addormentando^^ Poi quando Stitch aveva finito la matura,ai 70 in città!Ero più felice io di lei,mentre Michi era dietro che si teneva XD Insomma,grazie GUNS N' ROSES!

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